更新時間:2014-07-17 13:39
中文摘要 |
揮發(fā)性有機物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是造成我國城市大氣污染的主要因素之一,包括包裝印刷行業(yè)活動等在內的工業(yè)源是VOCs污染的重要來源. 工業(yè)源的治理技術眾多,如何選擇合適的治理技術是面臨的主要問題. 本文在包裝印刷行業(yè)VOCs排放特點及現(xiàn)有治理技術的研究基礎上,針對包裝印刷行業(yè)中典型的復合膜干復工藝VOCs排放與治理,以層次分析法為模型,構建該行業(yè)VOCs控制技術評估體系,對包裝印刷行業(yè)現(xiàn)有治理技術進行綜合評估,篩選出最佳可行控制技術,為包裝印刷行業(yè)VOCs減排控制提供了技術支持. 結果表明,包括吸附回收和熱力焚燒在內的7種技術,其技術優(yōu)先順序為:碳纖維吸脫附>顆粒炭吸脫附>直接燃燒>蓄熱燃燒>催化燃燒>轉輪濃縮燃燒>活性炭濃縮燃燒,其中碳纖維吸脫附技術綜合評估權重較高,為最優(yōu)控制技術. |
英文摘要 |
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play an important role in urban air pollution. Activities of industries including the packaging and printing industries are regarded as the major sources. How to select the suitable treating techniques is the major problem for emission control. In this article, based on the VOCs emission characteristics of the packaging and printing industry and the existing treatment technologies, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model, an evaluation system for VOCs selection was established and all the technologies used for treatment were assessed. It showed that the priority selection was in the following order: Carbon Fiber Adsorption-Desorption>Granular Carbon Adsorption-Desorption>Thermal Combustion>Regenerative Combustion>Catalytic combustion>Rotary adsorption-concentration and combustion>Granular Carbon adsorption-concentration and combustion. Carbon Fiber Adsorption-Desorption was selected as the best available technology due to its highest weight among those technologies. |